
Transport fund for NHS Heroes during COVID-19

 United Kingdom
 12th Feb - 09th Feb
£6,862 / Raised


The recent broadcasts and projections indicate that in the coming weeks our NHS Heroes will be inundated with COVID-19 patients and intensive care units will struggle to cope with demand. Our NHS Heroes are likely to be working very long days, with hardly any breaks or rest days.

We have started this campaign to help fund the transport costs that our NHS Heroes would otherwise have to incur, for attending to the public health emergency the whole country is facing.

Many NHS Heroes live far from hospitals and if we are expecting them to go above and beyond to save our loved ones, we believe they should not have to face high transport costs for travelling to/from hospitals.

Why use black cabs?

To ensure our NHS Heroes continue with social distancing guidelines, black cabs are expected to offer one of the safest forms of transportation to these workers due to the separation between the driver and the passenger. With this in mind, we are collaborating with Gett, FREE NOW and CityFleet Networks (the 3 main black cab companies) to fund the cost of these journeys for our NHS Heroes.

All three companies have agreed to either offer us 50% discount on the cost of these journeys, mostly to cover the cost of fuel, or offer a £10 fixed-price per journey.

How will your donations be used?

In partnership with the following black cab companies, we will direct funds to them to solely meet the discounted fare of NHS Heroes' journeys during the COVID-19 crisis. This means NHS staff will not have to pay for using these black cab services to/from hospitals, as long as there are available funds allowing us to fund these journeys. Our key goal is to maximise the use of all raised funds available by meeting the demand where needed most.


Offering a special flat rate of £10 per journey during this crisis for journeys within 4-6 miles from the city centre, in London. Whilst every donation counts, here are a couple of examples of how your donation could be used by the NHS Heroes:

£10 could get one NHS Hero to their workplace safely in a black cab

£20 to get them also back home safe after a long day saving lives


Offering us 50% off all black cab journeys for NHS workers during the COVID-19 crisis.

CityFleet Networks

Offering us 50% off all black cab journeys for NHS workers during the COVID-19 crisis.


A word from our partners

Steve McNamara - General Secretary of London Taxi Drivers Association (LTDA)

The London Taxi (Black Cab) Trade is delighted to be able to support this scheme and help our NHS heroes

CityFleet Networks

CityFleet Networks are proud to announce that we will be supporting Transport Fund for NHS Heroes. We want to ensure we assist in all possible ways so that all our NHS staff can arrive safely to hospital during the Covid-19 crisis. It is essential that during these testing times of this pandemic we all pull together and become pillars of strength for each other.


We are delighted to see this campaign being launched to cover the costs for all NHS workers of getting to and from work. FREE NOW has recently launched the NHS 'heroes' fare which offers all NHS workers a 50% reduction on fares in the following cities: London, Manchester, Nottingham, Reading, Oxford & Edinburgh. It is great that more people want to contribute to make journeys completely free for NHS staff.


Gett are proud to support the goodwill of Black Cab drivers offering generous rates to NHS health workers fighting this pandemic on the frontline. We are delighted that Transport Fund for NHS Heroes has quickly found a way for the general public to now support our NHS Heroes too, and fully support this further initiative in this fight across our communities.

Where will any remaining funds go once the COVID-19 crisis is over?

At the end of the campaign any funds remaining will be donated in full to NHS Charities Together, who support and champion NHS Charities.

Who are we?

We are a group of volunteers who believe in giving as a means of showing our appreciation. We are in touch with officials from the London Taxi Drivers Association (LTDA), and other public and private organisations to ensure our support reaches the right people — those who most need it today and beyond. We are counting on your help to ensure we can continue to do so.


(0 Review)

Fundraiser Overview


26th Jan - 09th Feb

Amount Goal



Martin Cranefield


